You can edit font, size, and color using the Text Style tool to the right of this tier of the toolbar.
This is force sensitive and lets you draw thicker shapes in reaction to the pressure of your touch. On Macs with a Force Touch touchpad, a second Draw tool appears. If Preview recognizes a shape you draw it will choose that instead. There is also a Loupe tool which you can use to magnify an area of your image, just drag the green handle to decrease or the blue handle to increase magnification. Press delete to make this part of the image transparent or tap Command+C to copy your selection, making it available in Clipboard. The more you drag the cursor the more of the image will be highlighted in red to show you have selected it. Just click the area you want to select and drag your cursor. When working with a PDF this becomes a rectangular selection tool.
It also provides Lasso and Smart Lasso selection tools, on which more below. The Selection Tool: This lets you choose to select an item using a Rectangular or an Elliptical tool.
This tool is not available here when working with images.